Sustainable Avanex

Avanex has in the essence of its values the respect to society and their environment. In developing its processes to the delivery of its products to Avanex contributes to a more sustainable development, enabling future generations to meet their own needs.

We work to offer products that help companies to seek a balance between economic development and preservation of nature.

Products manufactured by Avanex follow national and international standards. The waste generated become a clay land without any contamination. Studies carried out show that the land can be used to improve the resistance of ceramic products.

The company has FATMA - Environmental Foundation's environmental license. Making regular visits to the facility to ascertain whether this under the laws set forth as chemical waste, and the environment.

The growth of Avanex is proportional to the growth of awareness for a greener world, to the extent that environmental legislation progresses, also advanced the projects developed by our company, making the Earth a place with more hope and respect for future generations.

The awareness and greater care of mother nature was becoming a requirement for all citizens and consequently a corporate social responsibility. Treatment of influent and effluent industrial waste, the continuous search for solutions to environmental problems, which caused, aluminum sulfate as a considered large scale solution, which benefited Avanex.

All rights reserved © 2024
Avanex - Commerce and Industry


Rodovia SC 114 s/n Km 203 - Bairro Lageadinho
Palmeira - Santa Catarina - CEP 88545-000


(+55) (49) 3238-4000 | Fax: (49) 3238-4006
